
Together we can make a difference

Sam has brain damage because his mother drank in pregnancy. Mum did not know that drinking could harm her baby. Everyone has the right to know the facts on alcohol and pregnancy. Some of us are developing a project to raise international awareness of the risks of drinking during pregnancy.

Because of the alcohol he was exposed to, Sam will always have problems learning and controlling his emotions. He will probably be a high school dropout and never be able to hold a job. He has a high risk of alcohol and drug abuse.

There are many children like Sam—experts now believe that at least 1% of babies now being born around the world have these problems, known as Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders.

Thus we are developing an international project to raise awareness of the risks of drinking in pregnancy. This project was initiated by the European FASD Alliance, and will be carried out together with the American NOFAS and local organizations.

We are all working on the project as volunteers, to prepare the materials and translate them into many languages. However, we need some funds to actually print and distribute materials to poorer countries, including countries of eastern Europe and Africa.

Please help us raise our goal of 25 000 dollars so that we can provide materials and expertise to those who need them.

Together we can make a difference!

More information on this project can be found at eufasd.org .

Finally, why am I involved ? Eighteen years ago, my husband and I adopted three children who have FASD. When I see how these children struggle to survive in daily life, I want to prevent this ever happening to another child. Please give generously to this project!

September 9, 2014 in Reunion Island (Program)

Conference "Why FAS prevention?" free and open to all, from 4pm to 6pm at the IFSI of St. Pierre with the participation of the Prefecture of the ARS, the General Council of the FRAR, SAF France and SAF Océan Indien

Health Prevention Day : a day of prevention for different associations from alcohol awareness and friends, from 9:09am to 8pm at ZAC Avenir of St. Louis with

• opening by the Mayor of Saint - Louis, Dr. Patrick Mallet

• stands and presentations of various associations, and musical entertainment (as Mahoran dancing, Country dancing, Zumba and others ...) co organized by the Prevention Health Service of the St. Louis' CCAS .

9.40: Actions of SAF Ocean Indien and prevention of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) with Thierry Maillard

11.30: Women and Alcohol by Annick Maillot, intervener of SAF Reunion

12.15: Alcohol and Pregnancy by Sylviane Florand, Midwife of the ZAC

• Playing at 9:30am and 13.45pm, the film "Les bébés de l’alcool" by Laure Gracias.

• Concert from 5pm with Gilbert Pounia (Ziskakan) and friends (Vincent Phileas, Thierry Borne), also Clif Azor, Christophe Ramakistin, Nel, Etincelle, Ornel, Jean Maurice Dalleau, and surprises

Consumer Awareness : Do you know the image on the bottle ? information about the pictogram, Saturday, Sept. 13 with stickers and leaflets handed out at the cashiers of the supermarket of the south of the island.

Awareness Day