September 10, 2006 – « Kan moman i boi ti baba i souf »


The association Reunisaf was born of »the common will of medico-social educational professionals and their fight for guardianship with families against the leading cause of mental retardation in Reunion: The fetal alcohol syndrome. « For 10 years, articles and surveys confirm our department in the high prevalence of pregnancies with harmful alcohol (more than 5%).
Resulting in a significant number of children with a severe syndrome (two per thousand births) combining growth disorders, malformations and mental retardation, or who appear lighter effects (six per thousand births) speaking by behavioral and learning difficulties and social adaptation.
So yesterday Reunisaf participated in the 8th International Day for prevention of fetal alcohol effects. « Kan Monan i boi ti baba i souf » is the message that its members have share in supermarkets, nurseries and PMI, hospitals and maternity wards, where they handed out bottles of water.

The association also conducted yesterday afternoon more awareness to the media de Saint-Pierre, with the reading of the story « Flore et ses Fleurs, » and especially on the site Expobois in St. Louis.

reunisaf11Stands and prevention information, artisan demonstrations, a competition of manual expression and a concert were expecting visitors, and especially the future or already mothers.

In Madagascar
Our correspondents Malagasy offered a concert where REUNISAF was represented.